The Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC)

OBRC decisions about rare bird reports are published as an annual report in the August issue of Ontario Birds. Anyone, not just the finder, can and should send in reports. Often they complement one another and make the documentation stronger. It is important for the committee to review these observations for the official provincial record. We need your documentation including photographs, a sketch, or videos if available.

Review List
Review List
Review List
Review List

The Committee MakeupTop

The Committee is composed of a panel of experts and has a rotating membership. The Committee members are:

Ontario Birds Records Committee (OBRC)

  • Voting Members: Gerard Phillips (chair), Cameron Chevalier, Amanda Guercio, Kiah Jasper, Michelle Martin, Jon Ruddy, Dave Szmyr
  • Non-voting Members: Secretary: Anthony Kaduck
  • Assts. to the Secretary: vacant
  • Archivist: Mike Burrell
  • ROM Liaison: vacant