Bird of the Year 2025

2nd Jan, 2025

Congratulations to Jenny Boulger! Jenny’s beautiful artwork showcasing the summer and winter plumages of the Long-tailed duck gained the most votes in this year’s competition and becomes OFO’s 2025 logo. You can purchase a variety of cool swag featuring the new logo at the OFO Redbubble store.
Keep scrolling to see the other submissions.

OFO Bird of the year logo winner of a Long-tailed duck

Thank you to all the artists who submitted work – we are delighted to display your art.

Bird of the Year – Voting (closed)

29th Oct, 2023

Voting is now closed.

Bird of the Year – Artwork Contest (closed)

26th Oct, 2023

Submit your artwork displaying the Bird of the Year as the OFO logo for the chance to have it featured as the logo for a year, a $500 prize and publicized in OFO News and on the website.

  • Deadline: closed for 2025
  • Voting: OFO members will have a week to vote on their favourite logo. To ensure fair voting, the artwork will be anonymous.
  • Winner: Earns the most votes. The Redbubble shop will display the winning logo on various merchandise (hats, shirts, water bottles, etc.)
  • In January, all submissions will be featured on the OFO website for a month with the artists’ names. So, even if you don’t win, your art will still have a chance to be shown.  

Submission rules:  

  • Send submissions to You will be asked to sign a release form so that your art can be displayed and used on OFO merchandise.
  • Works must be original.
  • No photographs or AI-generated art.
  • Include “OFO” and the year in your artwork.
  • Scanned art from paper must be at least 300 dpi or higher if the piece is smaller than
    8″ x 10”.  
  • Pencil/light sketching is not accepted, as it will not show up well (digital art, traditional art (ink, paints, etc. are fine).
  • Backgrounds are discouraged.  
  • Artwork should show well at different sizes and on different mediums (shirts, hats, water bottles, mouse pads, etc.).
  • Most importantly, have fun!!  


Spotted Sandpiper
Photo: Francine Ouellette

Chipping Sparrow
Photo: Brandon Holden

Yellow-breasted Chat
Photo: Sam Barone

Rusty Blackbird
Photo: Heather Pickard

Sandhill Crane
Photo: Mark Peck

American Tree Sparrow
Photo: Carol Horner

Townsend's Solitaire
Photo: Barry Cherriere

American Avocet
Photo: Barry Cherriere

Crested Caracara
Photo: Sandra and Frank Horvath