Distinguished Ornithologist Award

The Distinguished Ornithologist Award has been awarded most years since 1997 by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) to those who have been a resource to OFO and the Ontario birding community and whose research on birds has resulted in new ornithological knowledge.

The Distinguished Ornithologist Award is bestowed at the OFO Annual Convention and Banquet in the fall. An announcement about the recipient is published on the front page of the June issue of OFO News before the award is granted. Following the award presentation at the Annual Convention, an article describing the accomplishments of each recipient and a photograph of the award ceremony are published in the December issue of Ontario Birds, in the year of the award. A nominating Committee is responsible for proposing candidates to the OFO Board of Directors.

Read about past recpients of the Distinguished Ornithologist award.

You may contact the Nominating Committee to suggest someone for the award.