Annual General Meeting

As a charitable organization, OFO holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to report to members on the state of the club.

Information provided to members includes the financial reports, and reports from the board on the club’s activities in the past year. At the AGM. members review, then vote to approve the minutes from the previous year’s AGM, the financial reports, the board reports, and nominations for the Board.

Questions, Comments, or Nominations for the Board of Directors

If you have any questions, comments, would like to submit a nomination for OFO’s Board of Directors, or volunteer, please send to email Jeff Skevington, OFO President at:

2024 Annual General Meeting, Leamington, Ontario

OFO’s 2024 Convention and AGM will take place in Leamington, Ontario on September 27-29. 2024.

We invite you to read the AGM materials package (here) that includes the President’s Message; Information about the proposed new By-law; Financial Report; reports from Directors and Committees; and Awards for 2023-24.

The President’s AGM Presentation

2023 Annual General Meeting, Peterborough, Ontario

OFO’s 2023 Convention and AGM will take place in Peterborough, Ontario in September.

We invite you to read the AGM materials package (here) that includes:

  • Jeff Skevington’s President’s Message
  • the Treasurer’s Report and 2022 financial statements
  • minutes from the 2022 AGM
  • Board of Directors summary
  • write-ups on all of OFO’s activities (membership, conservation, outreach, fundraising, publications, OBRC, young birders, webinars, trips, EDI, Ontbirds, and public communications and all things done to serve our membership and the birding community!)


Great Gray Owl
Photo: Ken Newcombe

Canada Jay
Photo: John Millman