Photo Galleries

Photographs are separated into Current, Archive and Checklist galleries. Current photos are those taken in the last six months. Archive photos are photos from previous years, earlier than those in the current gallery. Checklist photos are indexed by the Ontario checklist and show our best photos of all birds officially recorded in Ontario and including nests, eggs, young and various plumages.

All photos on this website are © the photographer.

OFO reserves the right to re‐use photos from these sections elsewhere on the website and on any OFO social media.

Current Gallery Submissions

Send your photos of rare or unusual Ontario birds, or birds out of season in jpeg format to the . Photos should be a maximum of 720 px in the largest dimension and ideally no more than 72 dpi. EXIF data will not be displayed. Please aim for files less than 200 kb in size.

The following information is required:

  • Your name, and the name and contact information of the photographer if you did not take the photo.
  • The date and location at which the photo was taken.
  • Other information such as age, sex, and subspecies are welcome.
  • Your website URL if you wish us to include it. Your contact email will be included unless you request we withhold it.

Please note: information on the Photo Page has not been validated by the OBRC and should not be used for scientific purposes.

Checklist Gallery Submissions

Send your photos of birds on the Ontario Checklist to the . Please submit information as described above for the Current Gallery.

Photos should be of best quality. Preference will be given to photos taken in Ontario by OFO members.

Least Flycatcher
Photo: Sandra and Frank Horvath

American Wigeon
Photo: Frank and Sandra Horvath

Common Merganser
Photo: Frank and Sandra Horvath