February 22 2025 (Saturday) Haldimand & Norfolk counties
Leader: Barry Coombs, Mike Norton, Cody Bassindale.
Fifteen birders, all OFO members, joined co-leaders Cody Bassindale, Barry Coombs and Mike Norton on a beautiful but very windy day. We met at Kinsmen Park in Caledonia and the day got off to a flying start when Rob Palin sighted a male Barrow's Goldeneye in the Grand River, a stunning bird and a first record for Haldimand County. Over the course of the day, we observed 51 species, which was pretty good considering the condition of the roads. The strong winds blew drifting snow on north/south roads. The wind also prevented us from hearing any potential responses when we tried for Eastern Screech-Owl with playback. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Geoff Olaveson, who dug our lead vehicle out of a snowdrift at one point.
Highlights of the day begin with the male Barrow's Goldeneye and include a Short-eared Owl, Rough-legged Hawks, Snow Buntings, Tufted Titmouse, Eastern Bluebirds and one Lapland Longspur near day's end. Participants enjoyed a very good mix of waterfowl and scored a trifecta with swans (Mute, Trumpeter, Tundra) and mergansers (Common, Hooded, Red-breasted).
Thanks also go to Rob Palin for assisting with communications and Caledonia resident George Naylor for scouting the parking lot conditions and birds prior to our outing.
Barry Coombs