Our listserv software has been upgraded. In summary:

  • If you were subscriber before the upgrade, you still are a subscriber
  • Your previous subscription preferences will apply
  • If you want to change your preferences, you will need to register

For more details, please read on.

New Dashboard

The gateway to ONTBIRDS is now the ONTBIRDS dashboard at https://ontbirds.ca:

  • It shows the lists, namely ONTBIRDS and Birdnews
  • Click on a list name to go to List Info Board; then, click View the archives to do just that
  • Or, click on the list menu button (three vertical dots on the right side) and select View the Archives

If you are an existing subscriber, you should continue to receive ONTBIRDS and Birdnews posts without interruption. You should also be able to view the archives as described above.

You will probably notice the greeting of Hi, Guest in the top right corner of the page. That means you are not signed in.

Benefits of signing up

To change your preferences (e.g. disable delivery, change delivery mode to digest, etc), you will need to sign up for an account. Yes, it seems strange that you have to do this, given that you already have subscriptions.

To sign up for a new account:

  • Go to the ONTBIRDS dashboard
  • Click on icon at top right, where it says Hi, Guest
  • Click Click here to sign up for new account
  • Wait for verification email
  • In the message, click on Verify Email Address
  • This will take you back to the ONTBIRDS dashboard, but will now show you signed in with your own account

Once you are signed in, you can click on your name to access a menu.

Click on Update profile to:

  • Change your name, timezone and avatar (image)
  • Change some mail delivery settings that will be shared across all lists
  • Unsubscribe from all lists
  • Delete your account
  • NOTE: you can't change email address! If you need to use a new one, you will need to delete the old account and create new one

Click on Change password to do just that.

From the ONTBIRDS dashboard, you can now use the list menu button (three vertical dots on the right side), to:

  • Change some mail delivery options for this list only.

That's not all

As you will notice from the new archive page, there's a lot to this upgrade. It's yours to discover! You can use the Contact the list owners from list menu button if you have any questions or comments.

Short-eared Owl
Photo: Frank and Sandra Horvath

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Photo: Jean Iron

Gray Partridge
Photo: W. Hum