2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
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2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
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Certificate of Appreciation - Recipients
2024 CertificatesTop
Essex Region Conservation Authority, Pelee Wings Nature Store, and Point Pelee National Park, nominated by Jean Iron and Dave Milson for an Award of Special Merit
For their ongoing support of OFO Shorebird Nights and shorebird education at Hillman Marsh each spring. These organizations have contributed funds, promotions and opportunities for birders to join OFO volunteers and learn about shorebird migration. The Essex Region Conservation Authority is recognized for creating and maintaining habitat specifically for shorebirds. Point Pelee National Park has championed shorebird observation opportunities through their programming during the Festival of Birds and managing the 3-day Birding Pass program, in partnership with the Essex Regional Conversation Authority, allowing entry to the park and Hillman Marsh. Pelee Wings is recognized for their contributions to education through their support of the creation of the shorebird blind at Hillman, and providing optics and guides during the shorebird viewing opportunities.
Deryl Nethercott, nominated by Mike Burrell
For his efforts in almost single-handedly sharing photos and information for all of Lambton County for the BirdingHotspots.org initiative.
George Naylor, nominated by Bruce Mackenzie
For his efforts in protecting the Cliff Swallow colony on the Hwy 6 Bridge in Caledonia, ON.
Marion and Norm Maier, nominated by Brett Fried
For graciously hosting birders to view the Harris’s Sparrow that appeared at their home in Reidsville, ON on January 19, 2024.
Eric Baldo, nominated by Jack Alvo
For his work as lead counter at Toronto’s Whimbrel Watch at Colonel Sam Smith Park in Toronto, ON.
Scarborough Environmental Association, nominated by Lauren Pragg
For their work arranging several naturalist led bird walks throughout Scarborough to encourage new birders to take up the hobby.
Igor Kabic, nominated by Aaron Hywarren
For his efforts with the OFO Ambassador Program supporting the Western Tanager that visited Ottawa, ON from January – March 2024.
Michele Carnerie, nominated by Susan Nagy
For hosting birders to view the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch at her home in Aylmer, ON on November 12, 2023.
Karen McDonald, Andrea Chreston and Liam Graham, nominated by Chip Weseloh
For designing, seeking expert opinion and implementing a science-based plan to protect the first pair of nesting Bald Eagles in the City of Toronto amid the demand and desire for control of co- nesting Double-crested Cormorants.
Brian Gibbon, nominated by Jack Alvo
For 12 years of excellent service as an OFO Board member and Treasurer.
Mike McCabe, nominated by Paul F.J. Eagles
As Engineering Manager of Rogers Media Inc., he agreed to delay the grassland harvest at the Rogers Radio Tower Field adjacent to the Grass Lake/Paris Cranberry Bog Reserve in North Dumfries Township in the Region of Waterloo, ON until after July 14, 2024 to enable successful nesting.
2023 CertificatesTop
Aaron Hywarren, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma
For his dedication to the OFO Ambassador Program in regards to the Manitoulin Island Lewis’s Woodpecker for the viewing date of January 17, 2023.
Phyllis and Bob Cacciotti, nominated by Quinten Wiegersma
For graciously hosting birders to view the Manitoulin Island Lewis’s Woodpecker in January 2023.
Tony Barrett, nominated by Dave Milsom
For welcoming birders to his home to see the Boreal Chickadee in Peterborough, ON winter 2023.
Roxane Filion, nominated by Angie Williams
For leading trips, patiently sharing her birding expertise, mentoring newer birders, being a regional coordinator for the Breeding Bird Atlas, working collaboratively to bring an OFO Convention to Northern Ontario.
Amy Brunning, Quinten Wiegersma, Angela Skevington, Emma Gignac, nominated by Gis Segler
For volunteering countless hours at OFO’s 2022 Alan Wormington Memorial Camp.
Jeff Chambers, nominated by Marcie Jacklin
For providing exceptional tram service during Point Pelee National Park’s Spring Birding Festival in May 2023.
Sandra Marquez, Kathy Jones, Leona Mattice, Joanne Brathwaite, Nancy Raymond and Andres Jimenez, nominated by Jack Alvo
For designing and creating the Enabled Birding Map to make birding more accessible for people with various disabilities.
Tyne Bonebakker, nominated by Richard Pope
For donating his 156 acre property to the Northumberland Land Trust in 2018, now known as the Bonebakker Nature Reserve, and for allowing access to atlas the property. Also for collaborating with fellow landowners to secure access to their properties for additional atlassing purposes.
Karalee Patel and Ebrahim Patel, nominated by Glenn Coady
For welcoming birders to their Oakville, ON backyard to permit optimal viewing of the female Rufous Hummingbird during the period of November 5, 2021 – January 3, 2022.
Gary Elliott, Angela Rushton and Brock Rochus, nominated by Glenn Coady
For the City of Toronto Parks, Forest and Recreation staffers who went out of their way to coordinate and provide all-day protection from vehicles, birders, photographers, dog walkers and the general public to benefit the survival of a migrant Yellow Rail at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto, ON on May 11, 2022.
2022 CertificatesTop
Barry Kent MacKay, nominated by Lynne Freeman and Jim Richards for an Award of Special Merit
For his dedication and tireless amount of work he devotes to the welfare of birds and other wildlife. This award also recognizes Barry’s continuous support of OFO through the generous donation of striking and original artwork for the covers of Ontario Birds and other deeds.
Anthony Glenesk, nominated by Ken MacDonald
For finding and sharing rare birds at his favourite patch, Lawson Line, in Simcoe County.
Dan Strickland, nominated by Jim Richards
For the research and determined work that led to the name change of Gray Jay back to Canada Jay.
Tim Haan, nominated by Mike Burrell
For creating a web-based tool that shows the weekly and cumulative summaries of the Winter Birding Challenge.
Karl Konze, nominated by Jack Alvo
For discovering, identifying and facilitating viewing of a first winter Golden-crowned Sparrow at the allotment gardens next to Rosetta McClain Gardens in Toronto, Ontario.
Mayor of Lambton Shores, Bill Weber, and his staff, nominated by Jeff Skevington
For allowing birders to access Thedford Lagoons to view a Marsh Sandpiper in Lambton County.
Georg Hentsch, nominated by Susan Nagy
For his hospitality in allowing birders to access his yard to view a Golden-crowned Sparrow in Waterloo, Ontario.
John Challis, nominated by Dave Milsom
For allowing birders to freely access his Washago, Ontario yard in winter of 2022 to view a long-staying Townsend’s Solitaire.
Noam Markus and Clyde E. Robinson, nominated by Gis Siegler
For facilitating the removal of the frisbee golf course at West Woodbine Beach in Toronto, Ontario to protect a seasonally flooded Dune and Meadow Habitat.
Mike Cadman, nominated by Lynne Freeman
For the successful stewardship of the first three Ontario Breeding Bird Atlases.
Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton, nominated by Angie Williams
For their leadership and dedication to promote bird conservation and ornithological research through their #Hike4Birds across the Trans Canada Trail.
2021 CertificatesTop
Brian Jeffery, nominated by Jeff Skevington
For welcoming birders to view a Lark Sparrow at his feeder in Ashton, ON from December 30th, 2020 until April 21st, 2021.
Carmelle and William Hagen, nominated by Jeff Skevington
For hosting birders to view a Rock Wren from January 23rd to March 13th, 2021 near Alexandria, ON.
Jeff Skevington, nominated by Michael Tate
For his exceptional efforts in coordinating the viewing of a Lark Sparrow at Ashton, ON and a Rock Wren near Alexandria, ON during the winter of 2020/2021.
Colleen Reilly, nominated by Angelique Mori
For creating and organizing the ‘Pipits’ birding group in the Hamilton, ON, and sharing her passion and knowledge of birds via field trips and other organized events.
Discord Team (Barbara Charlton, Brett Fried, David Pryor, and Erica Hentsch), nominated by Lynne Freeman
In appreciation for providing Ontario Birders with an open and free service for sharing bird sightings and helping others with bird identification and many other questions.
Ecojustice, nominated by Jim Richards
In appreciation of all the great work they do to protect our environment and for bird conservation.
Environmental Defence, nominated by Jim Richards
In appreciation of all the great work they do to protect our environment and for bird conservation.
Joel Wittnebel, nominated by Jim Richards
For his work as editor/writer of ‘The Pointer’, a Brampton-Mississauga based on-line newspaper which continues to thoroughly research and write in depth articles dealing with major environmental issues, including on migratory birds.
Marcie Jacklin and the Community Voices of Fort Erie, nominated by Lynne Freeman
In honour of their dedication to saving Waverly Woods in Fort Erie.
Ontario Eastern Bluebird Society, nominated by Lynne Freeman
In appreciation of their generous support for young birders and tireless stewardship of Eastern Bluebirds in Ontario.
Ontario Nature, nominated by Lynne Freeman
In honour of their intensive work to protect bird habitat.
Pat Cassidy and Pam Miner, nominated by Jeff Skevington
For welcoming visitors to view a Boreal Chickadee on their property in the Ottawa area from December 1st 2020 to March 9th 2021.
Rayfield Pye, nominated by Glenn Coady
For many years of dedication to the Cranberry Marsh Raptor Watch. He has been a counter at the watch for 31 fall seasons, welcoming countless new observers to the pleasures of hawk watching.
Ron Pittaway, nominated by Jim Richards
In appreciation for researching and preparing winter finch forecasts for Ontario and Ontario birders for the past 21 years, as well as countless other deeds performed for OFO over many years.
Ryan Monkman and the team at FieldBird Cider, when prompted by local birder Kathy Felkar, nominated by Lynne Freeman
In appreciation for creating habitat for Eastern Meadowlark and other threatened grassland birds, and for demonstrating leadership in bird conservation.
2020 CertificatesTop
Brendon Samuels and Dr. Leanne Grieves
In appreciation for taking action to save the Bank Swallow Colony in London, ON.
Brian Morin
For providing on Ontbirds timely, informative and educational information about Snow Geese migration in eastern Ontario.
Bark Lake Leadership and Conference Centre
In appreciation for allowing birders free access to view the Varied Thrush all winter of 2019-2020.
Schomberg Village Council, Staff and Residents
In appreciation for facilitating ethical viewing of Logito, the Dufferin Marsh Northern Hawk Owl at by many grateful birders and photographers during the winter of 2019-2020.
Dufferin Marsh Nature Connection
In appreciation for facilitating ethical viewing of Logito, the Dufferin Marsh Northern Hawk Owl during the winter of 2019-2020.
Glenn Coady
For helping many grateful Ontario birders view the mega-rarity Hermit Warbler in the spring of 2019.
Feminist Bird Club, Toronto Chapter
In appreciation for organizing a birding fundraiser for racial justice to raise awareness and collect $28,312.82 in funds for the Black Legal Action Centre.
Jeff Skevington
For promoting and helping to implement OFO’s Birding at Home Challenge.
Mike Burrell
For promoting and helping to implement OFO’s Birding at Home Challenge.
Ivor Williams
In appreciation for his continuing IT support for OFO; the re-design of OFO’s web-site; preparation of electronic versions of our publications, OFO News and Ontario Birds, including past issues; and helping with the set-up of the Birding at Home Challenge under very tight timelines.
Norm Murr
For many years of promoting Toronto Islands as a birding hotspot through his trip reports, which include migration updates and logistical information, plus the comprehensive guide he has written which is available on the OFO website.
Dennis and Gwen Lewington
In recognition of their 35 years of maintaining and monitoring an Eastern Bluebird trail in the Bruce Peninsula, with the aim of helping to increase the population of Ontario Eastern Bluebirds.
2019 CertificatesTop
Linda Johnston and her support team Deborah Johnston, David Lavigne, and Liz Black-Petrie
For permitting the birding community access to see the Calliope Hummingbird and for providing exemplary hospitality.
Glenn Coady
For coordinating the viewing of the Calliope Hummingbird in Goderich with the homeowner and providing information to the birding community via Ontbirds.
Peninsula Field Naturalists, Jean Hampson, Bob Highcock, Carol Horvat, and Doug Gillard
For leading the Niagara Hotspot Hike at last minute notice the day of the Gull Workshop in 2018.
Benjamin Oldfield
For his dedication to building, placing and maintaining nest boxes for Tree Swallows and Eastern Bluebirds, which repopulated those species in the area.
2018 CertificatesTop
Mark Peck
For his many years serving as a resources person for the editors of Ontario Birds, for leading OFO hikes and for his many years of service to OFO and members as the ROM liaison person on the OBRC.
Ron Tozer
For his continued dedication to birding and birders and for leading many OFO hikes in the past in Algonquin P.P., and Niagara, as well as his contributions to Ontario Birds as a past editor and contributor, and for his service on various OFO committees (OBRC), and for his MC work at OFO Conventions. Ron has been and continues to be an integral part of OFO.
FLAP Canada
FLAP Canada, a registered Canadian charity, is widely recognized as the pre-eminent authority on the bird-building collision issue. For almost 25 yearsFLAP Canada and a network of over 70 partners, thousands of supporters and many other nature organizations, are devoted to keeping birds safe for the benefit of nature and people.
Fred Helleiner
For his many years of service reporting bird sightings on ONTBirds which greatly benefited the birding community.
2017 CertificatesTop
Anouk Hoedeman
For co-founding Safe Wings Ottawa in 2013 and for her tireless efforts to reduce bird mortality from window collisions through research, rescue, and education.
Brian Ratcliff
For keeping track of rare bird records and assisting the OBRC for the northwestern Ontario region.
Mark Peck
For his many years in assisting the OBRC as ROM liaison and for providing expert opinion on records reviewed by the OBRC.
Margaret Bain
For compiling and organizing the Ontario section of North American Birds over the past decade.
Heidi Staniforth and Kelly Moore, operators of the Tern In B&B
For hosting and welcoming birders wishing to view a White-winged Dove at their property in May 2017.
Mike Malone and Joan Walker of Pelee Wings and Mike Wales
For generously welcoming and allowing access to birders wishing to view the Magnificent Frigatebird in July 2017, near Point Pelee National Park.
Lisa Bildy
For her extensive contribution to the OFO Young Birders camp.
Jeff and Angela Skevington
For volunteering as camp counsellors during the OFO Young Birders camp.
Don Kennedy
For his outstanding volunteerism and coordination of efforts to assist the nesting Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach over the last 11 years.
2016 CertificatesTop
Thames Talbot Land Trust
For their commitment to bird conservation in the acquisition of the Hawk Cliff Woods property and Mosa Forest.
Durham Region Works and Finance Department
For their ongoing efforts for accommodating and allowing birders to use the Nonquon Lagoons.
Plover Lovers Committee
For their commitment to public education and to citizen science towards the Piping Plovers nesting at Sauble Beach.
Wasaga Beach Piping Plover Guardians
For their commitment to public education and to citizen science towards the Piping Plovers nesting at Wasaga Beach.
Darlington Provincial Park Piping Plover Guardians
for their commitment to public education and to citizen science towards the Piping Plovers nesting at Darlington Provincial Park.
Presqu’ile Provincial Park Piping Plover Guardians
For their commitment to public education and to citizen science towards the Piping Plovers nesting at Presqu’ile.
Georgette and Larry Cornelis
For graciously hosting birders on Georgette’s property while a Vermilion Flycatcher visited in December 2015 and January 1, 2016.
Ray Holland
For monitoring and providing updates to the Ontario birding community regarding the Bullock’s Oriole in Pakenham, November 2015 – January 2016.
Lisa Stansil
For monitoring and helping birders view the Ruff at the Brighton Constructed Wetland and providing permits for accessing the wetland, May 2016.
2015 CertificatesTop
George Arevalo (Director of Golf) and the Carruther’s Creek Golf and Country Club
For hosting birders on their property over several days while a/the Cattle Egret visited in November 2014.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall
For allowing birders to park in their parking lot, gaining access to Sedgewick Park in the winter of 2014-15.
Kathryn and Craig Corcoran
For welcoming several hundred birders to their residence over a four week period to view the Eurasian Tree-Sparrow, November-December 2014.
Geoff Carpentier, Margaret Bain, the Region of Durham and CH2M-Hill
To Margaret Bain and Geoff Carpentier for engaging the Region of Durham and their consultants; and to the Region of Durham and CH2M-Hill for their willingness to incorporate elements into the operation of the sewage treatment lagoons that will enhance the
The residents of Arkendo Drive, Oakville
For hosting several hundred birders viewing the long-staying Painted Bunting in the winter of 2014-15.
Sarah Rupert
For her long-standing effort in summarizing the Ontario section of the Christmas Bird Count.
Rita and Ron Christie
For hosting birders viewing a Blue Grosbeak in April 2014.
Lianne, Ken, Ryan, and Ryley Atwood
For hosting birders viewing the Painted Bunting near Huntsville in April 2014.
Vic Rizzo
For hosting birders viewing the Brambling in North Bay in November 2014.
Miranda O’Hara
For keeping alive a Cape May Warbler at her feeder during the winter of 2014-2015, in Markham.
Bill Gilmour
For going above and beyond, helping with the 2015 OFO Birdathon. Bill scouted locations, helped with the planning and provided his backyard for camping during the weekend to the Young Birders.
Michael Tate and Bruce Di Labio
For helping to coordinate ongoing searches for the Little Egret in Ottawa.
Michael Williamson
For coordinating the Iroquois Shoreline Raptor Watch for the past 15 years, while making a huge contribution to the understanding of raptor migration throughout Ontario and the GTA.
2014 CertificatesTop
Maris Apse
for his many years of fundraising for the Baillie Birdathon on behalf of OFO.
Patrick Baichoo
for cordially hosting many people to view the Lark Sparrow in Fort Erie.
Michel Gagnier and Countryside Canners Co. Limited
for their hospitality to birders coming to view shorebirds on the wet field at the back of their property.
North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited
for rerouting an electricity line to protect a pair of nesting Osprey.
Portlands Energy Centre
for protection of Ravens nesting on the PEC site; the first Ravens nesting on the Toronto lakeshore in 130 years.
Sherri Jensen
for discovering the Amherst Island Lark Bunting and posting the location for birders so they could to see the bird.
Tony Clarke, Roads Manger for Clearview Township
for protecting a sand pile with nesting Bank Swallows at the works department on the bypass around Stayner.
Mike Malone of Pelee Wings
for his assistance in making the 2013 OFO Convention a great success.
Frank and Sandra Horvath
for their many hours of dedication building the OFO bird photography collection.
2013 CertificatesTop
Mike Burrell
for his extensive work and support to ebird and the OBRC, along with streamlining operations between the two groups in Ontario.
Chris Escott
for his committed effort to complete a set of best practices for the OFO for use by future executive.
Jason Purssell
for not using his boat while a pair of Eastern Kingbirds raised a family on its prow.
Randy Robinson
for providing Dickcissel habitat and being a great role model for habitat stewardship.
2012 CertificatesTop
Diane Henderson
for her many years of meticulous maintenance of the OFO archives.
Kevin and Sharon Hockley
for the construction and donation of two Pileated Woodpecker heads for the raffle people to wear at the annual convention.
Peter Mladen
for hosting birders in his back yard during the stay of a vagrant White-winged Dove in February 2012.
Pat Naylor
for helping visitors to Fort Erie to see the Fish Crows on Bowen Road in the winter of 2012.
Doug and Linda Neal
for helping visitors to their property to see the Varied Thrush that was present from January 8 to January 22, 2012.
The Sinclairs
for helping visitors to their property to see the Band-tailed Pigeon that was present from February 4 to February 6, 2012.
2011 CertificatesTop
Mark Cranford
for his many years of careful attention to the OFO listserv ONTBIRDS and his recent transfer of the site to a new host.
The Staff of Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
for organizing the successful viewing of the Willow Ptarmigan on 12 June 2011.

Jayne and Sean Douglas, Ridge Road Estate Winery
for their hospitality in hosting birders at the winery during the stay of the Mountain Bluebird 19-24 March 2011.
Elmer and Bev Ewert
for allowing birders to park in their driveway and observe the Varied Thrush coming to their feeder. They were very friendly and accommodating.
The Finney Family
for helping visitors to their home to see the Spotted Towhee.
Brian Henshaw and the Staff at Beacon Environmental
for planning the successful viewing of the Willow Ptarmigan on 12 June 2011.

Ginny Moore
who, throughout the winter of 2010-2011, provided substantial amounts of food for Evening Grosbeaks and a warm welcome for the birders who came to see them.
Ric and Anne McArthur
for graciously hosting the hundreds of visitors who came to see the Yellow-throated Warbler in their yard in Rondeau Provincial Park.
Steve and Joanne Sprague
for helping visitors to their home to see the Harrisí Sparrow at their feeder.
James Turland and Family
for helping visitors to their home to see the Painted Bunting.
Ivor Williams
for generously giving of his time and expertise in helping to develop the new Membership section of the OFO website.
2010 CertificatesTop
Dian Bogie
for helping birders see the Phainopepla that was present in Brampton from 9 November 2009 to 9 February 2010.
The Cameron Family
for helping birders see the Phainopepla that was present in Brampton from 9 November 2009 to 9 February 2010.
Rachel Paulin
for helping birders see the Phainopepla that was present in Brampton from 9 November 2009 to 9 February 2010.
Richard Pope
for his kind donation to OFO from the proceeds of his book The Reluctant Twitcher.
Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre
in recognition of your research, consultation with experts, and tireless dedication to the successful rehabilitation of Ontario’s first documented Yellow-nosed Albatross.
Shirley Rawlins
for helping birders see the Phainopepla that was present in Brampton from 9 November 2009 to 9 February 2010.
Geoff Simpson
for welcoming birders to his home to view the Varied Thrush that was present in the Cold Creek Conservation area northeast of Bolton from 10 January to 15 March 15 2010.
Sue Vercesi
for helping birders see the Phainopepla that was present in Brampton from 9 November 2009 to 9 February 2010.
2009 CertificatesTop
Paul and Sue Chapman
for welcoming all birders to their home in St. Catharines (more than 100) to see the adult White‐winged Dove that was there from 21 July 2008 to at least 15 October 2008.
Dave and Mary Elder
for showing birders the Rainy River area and its unique birds for 25 years.
Judith King
for her many years of contributing to the birds and birding community of Ontario.
Mike Pickup
for his many years of contributing to the birds and birding community of Ontario.
John Smith
for his assistance to birders looking at the Orillia Northern Hawk Owl.
2008 CertificatesTop
Peter Middleton
for his contribution to the Sauble Beach Piping Plovers in 2007.
Pam and Chris Heil
for their hospitality to visiting birders during the appearance of a Rufous Hummingbird at their feeder, 18 November to 1 December 2007.
Hydro 1 Perth Area
for their care in dealing with Pileated Woodpeckers on their hydro poles.
Roger Gifford
for graciously inviting birders into his yard to observe rare birds at his feeders.
Doug Woods
for his outstanding work on the development of the new OFO Web Site.
Valerie Jacobs
for her outstanding work on the development of the new OFO Web Site
Reta Hall
for her efforts and generosity in accommodating OFO members in viewing the Sharp‐tailed Grouse on their lek.
Robbie Colwell (Manager, Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport)
for their efforts and generosity in accommodating OFO members in viewing the Sharp‐tailed Grouse on their lek.
Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport Commission Inc. (Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport)
for their efforts and generosity in accommodating OFO members in viewing the Sharp‐tailed Grouse on their lek.
Francois Riston, John Rocchi and their employees
for welcoming birders to bird safely on their vast property at Waterdown Garden Supplies Ltd.
Fred Zander of Zander Sod Comapny
for two years has encouraged us to drive onto his sod farms to get closer to shorebirds and has suggested routes to take so as to avoid interfering with his work crews.
Denis Lepage
for his significant contribution to the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario 2001-2005.
Don Sutherland
for his significant contribution to the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario 2001-2005.
Gregor Beck
for his significant contribution to the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario 2001-2005.
Andrew Couturier
for his significant contribution to the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario 2001-2005.
Mayor Cal Patterson and the Town Council of Wasaga Beach
for their strong support of the Piping Plovers at Wasaga Beach.
John Fisher and the staff of Wasaga Beach Provincial Park
for their important efforts on behalf of the Piping Plovers at Wasaga Beach.
2007 CertificatesTop
Gwen and Milton Mowbray
in recognition of their dedication to nature and especially for protecting wildlife at their pond.
Mike and Nancy Furber
for welcoming birders to their property to see the Western Kingbird which was there on 26 and 27 September 2006.
John Zehethofer
in recognition of his freely giving his time and expertise to redesign the OFO website look in 2006.
Essex Regional Conservation Authority
for recognizing the importance of habitat creation for migrating shorebirds as well as enhancing viewing opportunities for visiting birders at Hillman Marsh.
Stan Long
for bringing Reesor Pond to the attention of the birding community in 2006.
Ron and Lynda Valentine
for participating in ten years of birdathons for OFO.

Ron and Lynda Valentine.
Photo: Jean Iron
Township of Alfred and Plantagenet,
Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde
for promoting birding in the Alfred area through the creation of the Alfred Birding Trail and particularly the Birding Tower at the Alfred Sewage Lagoon.
Prescott-Russel Stewardship, Suzanne Lafrance
for promoting birding in the Alfred area through the creation of the Alfred Birding Trail and particularly the Birding Tower at the Alfred Sewage Lagoon.
Werner Schmalz, Kindermann Canada Inc.
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
Mike Malone, Pelee Wings Nature Store
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.

Mike Malone.
Photo: Jean Iron
Paul Grant, Vortex Canada
in recognition of his long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
Nikon Canada Inc.
in recognition of their long standing support of Ontario Birds and OFO.
George Madsen and Mosaic Esterhazy Holdings
for providing access to their settling lagoons.
Cheryl Edgecombe
for her weekly Hamilton Naturalists Club Birding report on Ontbirds.

Cheryl Edgecombe.
Photo: Jean Iron
Phyllis E.Bray
for the many years she operated her wonderful bird feeders in Chippewa.
Keith Lee
for his kindness in accommodating birders wishing access to the Brighton Wetland.
Barry Cherriere
for his hard work in maintaining trails for birders in the Hamilton area.

Barry Cherriere.
Photo: Jean Iron
Kevin Shackleton
for his help in enabling us to bird the Holland Landing Lagoons.
Brendan and Kim Toews
in recognition of their important finding, and of their contribution to the successful nesting, of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.

Brendan and Kim Loews.
Photo: Jean Iron
Cindy Cartwright, Stewart Nut, Peter Siebbert, Kirk Silver, Bruce Birding Club, Friends of Sauble Beach, Sauble Cottagers Association, Municipality of South Bruce Peninsula, Owen Sound Field Naturalists
in recognition of their contribution to the successful nesting, of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.

Cindy Cartwright.
Photo: Jean Iron
Jeff Robinson, Barbara Sleza of the Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment Canada)
in recognition of their important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Mark Shoreman, Madeline Austen, Kevin Hawthorne,
Leo Heyens of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
in recognition of their important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Todd Kish of Environment Canada
in recognition of his important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
Jack Dingledine of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
in recognition of his important contribution to the successful nesting of Piping Plovers at Sauble Beach in 2007.
2006 CertificatesTop
William “Bill” McNair
for making his farm available for the Eastern Loggerhead Shrike Recovery Program near Dyers Bay on the Bruce Peninsula and for working with Lee Redford and Rina, from the University of Guelph, to look after the 20 cages on the farm.
Linda Henebury
for bringing the Yellow-headed Blackbird (among other interesting birds) to the attention of the birding community and for gracefully and enthusiastically allowing people to visit her property near Embrun. January-February 2006.
Gord and Carol Duff
of Deep River, for enthusiastically welcoming many birders into their home for the chance of an excellent view of a male Varied Thrush, which was first noticed on 11 January 2006 feeding on cracked corn. They patiently waited with everyone until the bird
Robert Bossu and the Cornelis family
for creating a wetland on Robert’s property north of Wallaceburg that has been an attraction for hundreds of shorebirds and other birds and wildlife, including a Snowy Egret on 26 May 2006. They also hosted a Ruff from 29 April to 2 May 2006.
2005 CertificatesTop
Gloria Braithwaite
for hosting the large numbers of visitors who came to see the Varied Thrush that visited her feeder in the winter of 2005.
Allen Chartier
for the identification work he did to confirm the identity of the Rufous Hummingbird in Niagara Falls in the autumn of 2004 and his prompt and thorough reporting of his findings through ONTBIRDS.
Mark Cranford
for his hard work and diplomacy in maintaining ONTBIRDS as one of the premier listservs.
Department of National Defence
for their continued cooperation with birders to provide access to shorebird viewing at Shirleys Bay.
Michel Gosselin of the Canadian Museum of Nature
to acknowledge fifteen years of assistance to the editors of Ontario Birds and OFO news.
Janice and Art Haines
for their unfailing hospitality to the hundreds of birders who visited their home in Niagara Falls to see the Rufous Hummingbird in the autumn of 2004.
Karl Jennewein
for his constancy in stocking the bird feeders on the paths from Halls Road to Cranberry Marsh.
Doug Lockrey
for his assiduous reporting of Great Gray Owls in the Halls Road area during the irruption of winter 2005.
Joanne Reive
for hosting visitors on her property at Eagle so they could view the Pyrrhuloxia on her neighbour’s feeder around Christmas 2004.
Diane and Kayo Roy
for their assiduous reporting of the Rufous Hummingbird in Niagara Falls in the autumn of 2004.
John & Carol Somerset
for their reporting of a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch that visited their bird feeder in Chelmsford in January and February 2005 and for their hospitality to visiting birders.
Martha Sova
for hosting the large numbers of visitors who came to see the Harris’s Sparrow that visited her feeder in the winter of 2005.
Walter Wojek
for maintaining the feeder that attracted the Pyrrhuloxia to his home in Eagle at Chrismas 2004.
2004 CertificatesTop
Dorothy Armstrong and her son, Larry Armstrong
for welcoming birders on their land to view the Gray Flycatcher near Cayuga in December 2003 and January 2004.
Ian Barnes of Hidden Valley Campground
for their hospitality to visiting birders viewing the Painted Bunting at Normandale in August 2004.
Tammy and Ted Bilous and Sarah and Sam Bilous
for their kind hospitality to birders visiting to see the Band-tailed Pigeon in London Ontario, December 2003.
David Cattrall of King City
for compiling the 21-year Index to Ontario Birds, 1983-2003, on the OFO website.
Denzil and Shirley D’Mello of London, Ontario
for their kind hospitality to visiting birders and for feeder construction and maintenance for the Band-tailed Pigeon, December 2003.
Alex and Judy Eberspaecher
for their hospitality to birders and reporting of a Hooded Warbler in Oakville, April 2004.
Wayne Griese and Karen Richter of Pakenham
for their warm welcome to birders for the Black-headed Grosbeak, December 2003.
Bob and Iris Jurmain of Packenham
for their warm welcome to birders who came to see the Black-headed Grosbeak at their feeder, December 2003.
Elizabeth Kendrick
for her assistance to birders seeking a rare gull at the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre, November 2003.
Barry Kent MacKay
for his support of OFO with cover illustration for Ontario Birds and his dedication to conservation.
Phyllis MacKay
in recognition of her sixty years of tireless devotion as the avian Florence Nightingale.
Bruce MacKenzie
in recognition of his selfless and persevering commitment to preserving the Grimsby Lakeshore Wetland.
Gerry Meacham
for his feeder maintenance for the Band-tailed Pigeon, London, December 2003.
Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre
the kind welcome to visiting birders seeking a rare gull, November 2003.
Paul And Anna-Marie Smith of Flamborough
for welcoming birders to view the Varied Thrush in April 2004.
Jim And Linda Whiting
for their kindness and hospitality to birders viewing the Painted Bunting at Normandale in August 2004.
Dr. E.R. and Mrs. M.R. Yendt
for their kind hospitality to visiting birders and tireless efforts to nourish a Rufous Hummingbird in Kingston, Winter 2003/4.
2003 CertificatesTop
Sam Barone
for his valuable and generous photographic contributions to OFO publications and to the OFO website over many years.
Fred and Rita Chapman
for their generous hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the pair of Varied Thrushes at their property during winter, 2003.
The Essex County Regional Conservation Authority
for teir leadership and efforts in creating new shorebird habitat at Hillman Marsh and providing Ontario birdwatchers with excellent viewing opportunities.
Vernon Kipp
for his generous hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the Varied Thrush at his property during April, 2003.
Fred Helleiner
for his significant efforts over the years in providing bird reports and informing Ontario birders about birding opportunities for the Presqu’ile area.
Steve Hall
for his leadership of the Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island OFO field trip each year in April and his outstanding hospitality to visiting birders.
Thomas Hayman
for his dedication and support to the Southwestern Ontario birdwatching community and for his unwavering commitment to public education about birds and nature by writing a weekly column in the London Free Press for the past 40 years.
Fred Jazvac
for his outstanding volunteer efforts with the Bruce County Birding Club and his commitment to organizing club trips and encouraging the participation of new birdwatchers.
Elizabeth LeGeyt
for her dedication and support to the Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec birdwatching community and for her unwavering commitment to public education about birds and nature by writing a weekly column in the Ottawa Citizen for the past 30 years.
John Miles
for his outstanding contributions as an enthusiastic OFO trip leader over many years.
Terry Sprague
for his significant efforts over the years in providing bird reports and informing Ontario birders about birding opportunities for the Quinte area.
The Whitevale Golf and Country Club
for their interest in wildlife and habitat preservation and in recognition of their certification under the “Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses”.
Bill and Heather Wilson
for their generous hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the Spotted Towhee at Blair during winter, 2003.
2002 CertificatesTop
Geoff Carpentier
for his tireless work to obtain access on behalf of all Ontario birders to the Port Perry Sewage Lagoons. He received asecond award for generously donating his time and raising funds during the Baillie Birdathon on behalf of OFO for the past 10 consecutiv
Homer and Jean Leavitt
for their outstanding hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the Lewis’s Woodpecker at their propertyduring winter 2002
Lorne Spicer, Al Hurst, and Gordon Longhurst
for their persistence in obtaining access on behalf of all Ontario birders to the Port Stanley Sewage Lagoons and their involvement in building the wildlife viewing stands throughout Elgin County.
Ron Tozer, Ron Pittaway and Bill Crins
for their significant volunteer efforts as Editors of Ontario Birds and for making it Ontario’s finest birding publication.
Gerry Vanderzanden and Grace de Vries-Vanderzanden
for their outstanding hospitality to Ontario birdwatchers during the stay of the Smith’s Longspur at their property during winter 2002.
Ken Wilton, Ray Dodman, Brad Reive, Bill Prieksaitis, and Harold Lancaster
for their leadership and efforts in building seven wildlife viewing stands at sewage lagoons and wildlife areas throughout Elgin County to minimize bird disturbance and enhance viewing opportunities.
2001 CertificatesTop
Maris Apse
for completing 10 consecutive years of Baillie Birdathon and raising over $9,000, of which $3,000 came back to OFO.
Rod Barr Stella, Ontario
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and for providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls at The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and allowing visitors access to see the owls.
Nancy Checko
for significant assistance to Ron Tozer, co-editor of Ontario Birds, with formatting, layout and computer software.
Graham and Sue Cranshaw, Pickering
for hospitality to birders coming to see the Harris’s Sparrow, 17 December 2000 to 31 January 2001.
Amanda Derrig
for posting daily updates on ONTBIRDS and being helpful to birders visiting Pelee Island for the Wood Storks in August and September 2001.
Sandra Eadie
for help on ONTBIRDS in 2000.
The Crew of Frontenac ll:
Earl Willard, Senior Captain; Captain Doug Shurtliffe; Helen Trotter, Purser; Brent Wolfreys for assisting birders to see the Ivory Gull on the ferry crossing to Amherst Island, January 2001.
The Kingston Field Naturalists
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and for your hospitality to visiting birders.
Gwen and Paul Lauret, Stella, Ontario
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls at The Owl Woods, Amherst Island, and providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Loyalist Township
for maintaining habitat for wintering owls in The Owl Woods, and for providing access to visiting birders to see the owls.
Jean Iron
for providing information on the Heermann’s Gull in Toronto and helping visiting birders, January to September, 2000.
2000 CertificatesTop
Stephen Davis of Fishers Glen near Long Point
for welcoming birders to his home to see the male Mountain Bluebird, November, 1999 to March, 2000. The bird may have been present as early as the summer of 1999.
The Delaware Sportsmen’s Conservation-Association
for their support, accommodation and for delaying the start of hunting at the marsh in order to protect the Anhinga. Pete Read, for providing daily updates on ONTBIRDS and welcoming birders to observe the Anhinga, at Delaware, July to September, 2000.
Doug Lockrey
for providing frequent postings on ONTBIRDS on the White-winged and Red Crossbills at Cranberry Marsh, Ajax, and assisting visiting birders, November, 1999 to March, 2000.
Craig McLaughlin
for providing regular updates on ONTBIRDS on the Heermann’s Gull in Toronto and helping visiting birders, November, 1999 to September, 2000.
Pete Read
for regular updates on ONTBIRDS and hospitality to visiting birders for the Anhinga at Delaware, July to September, 2000.
Bev and Bruce Stewart
for welcoming birders to their home and neighbourhood to see the Lewis’s Woodpecker, Carman Road near Brighton, 13 to 18 June 2000.
Ann White
for providing updates on ONTBIRDS about the Delaware Anhinga and welcoming and helping visiting birders, July to September, 2000.
1999 CertificatesTop
Edge and Betty Pegg, Claremont
for welcoming birders on the occasion of the Harris’s Sparrow December 1998 to May 1999.
Algonquin Provincial Park Visitor Centre Staff
for their contribution to our knowledge of birds and their hospitality to the Ontario birding community.
Lea Martell and Friends of Point Pelee
for providing staff and programs to help visiting birders and contribute to our knowledge of birds.
Mike Street
for creating Ontbirds and maintaining the listserv 24 hours a day.
Paula Ouellette and Craig McLauchlan of Paula’s Fish Place
for their hospitality to visiting birders on the occasion of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow, May 1999.
Bronte Harbor Marina
for providing help and support to the nesting Red-necked Grebes.
Art Hawtin, a rancher in Carden, Victoria County
for maintaining habitat for nesting Loggerhead Shrikes and always being friendly to visiting birders.
1998 CertificatesTop
Jack & Dawn Christilaw, Kilbride
Varied Thrush
Magnus & Isobel Huber, Harmony
Spotted Towhee.
John Carley
For his Efforts to Protect the Leslie Street Spit in Toronto.
Harry Kerr, Toronto
Keeping the Phone Lines Open to Inform Birders about Rare Birds.
Michael King, Toronto
For His Maps and Illustrations in OFO News and Ontario Birds.
Stephen Mangotich & CoSteel Recycling
Being the Primary Donor of NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area and Managing the Project.
Wendy Fox Canada Trust, Friends of the Environment Foundation, Grimsby
For a Significant Financial Donation to the NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area.
Gord Harry, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
Allowing the Tower on Conservation Property, Arranging Permits and the Installation of Footings.
Lionel Schipper
Arranging the Donation of the NPHW Tower at Beamer Conservation Area.
Peter Koening, System Administrator Hamilton/Wentworth Community Net (HWCN)
Setting up the Majordomo Software for e-mail Lists. Otnbirds was the First for HWCN.
Kit Darling, Hamilton/Wentworth Community Net (HWCN)
Establishing an e-mail List Capability for Ontbirds.
John Chalmers, St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
Allowing Birders on Seaway Property at Port Weller East.
Albert Vanderliek, Bismark
Welcoming Birders to Watch Birds at the Large Pond on His Property.
1997 CertificatesTop
Presqu’ile Provincial Park
Managing the Habitat for Shorebirds by Creating a Natural Beach.
The Town Of Blenheim
Providing Access to the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.
Larry & Linda Budreau
10 Years of Welcome to OFO Birding Tours at Oak Grove Camp near Rainy River.
Region of Durham Works Department
Providing Birders with Access to the Nonquon Sewage Lagoons, Port Perry.
Colin & Heide Isaacs
Maintaining a Raptor Preserve in Fisherville.
The Friends of Misery Bay
Hosting the OFO Field Trip 18 April 1997.
Gore Bay-Manitoulin Island Airport
Preserving Habitat for Sharp-tailed Grouse and Allowing Birders Access to their Property.
Gordon Bonham, Leamington
Glossy Ibis May 1997.
1996 CertificatesTop
Howard Doellel, Lac Dore
Ivory Gull, 12 November 1995.
Norma & Victor Mowat, Selkirk
Least Tern, 5 December 1995.
Lorraine & Bill Hatch, Hanover
Harris’s Sparrow, November 1995-January 1996.
Howard Nussey, Big ‘O’ Incorporated Comber Division
Providing Access to Comber Woods and Lagoons.
Rose Petersen & Ian Smith, Ancaster
Hoary Redpoll, January 1996.
Joan & Frank Xuereb, Stoney Creek
Varied Thrush, January 1996.
Alex Scott, Stella, Amherst Island
Access to Owl Woods, January-February 1996.
Chris Davies & Tom Harvey, Unimin Canada Limited
Assistance in Search of eagles Petroglyphs Area.
Kathy Vowinckle, Demoretsville
Providing Breeding Habitat for Henslow’s Sparrow, June-July 1996.
Terry Sprague, Demoretsville
Assistance to Birders looking for Henslow’s Sparrow, June-July 1996.
Ursula & Manfred Kolster, Hamilton
Spotted Towhee, December 1995-April 1996.
1995 CertificatesTop
Daniel Johnstone, Area Supervisor, Niagara Region Environmental Services, Port Weller Pollution Control Plant
for Ross’s Gull, February 1995.
Sharri & Jerry Wright, Pat & Herb Martin, Leamington
for hosting Bewick’s Wren in May 1994.
John Haggeman, St. Clair Nature Wildlife Reserve
for hosting Vermillion Flycatcher, November 1994.
Barbara Horth & Eugene Kideres, Thunder Bay
for hosting Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, January 9 1995.
Helen & Murray Sutherland, Queensville
for hosting Varied Thrush, January 1995.
Bill Hutch, Hutch’s Restaurant, Van Wagner’s Beach
for warmth and protection on Jaeger days.
1994 CertificatesTop
First Award presented to: Jean & Eric Niskanen
for hosting the Band-tailed Pigeon in September 1994.
John Chapman, Arkona
for hosting Brambling in January 1994.
Sherrie & Glenn Neiman, Koshlong Lake
for hosting Black-chinned Hummingbird 3 July 1994.
Ian & Margaret Ferguson, Picton
for hosting Say’s Phoebe, November 1994.
Officer in charge and Staff CGR 100 Canadian Coast Guard, Port Weller
who allowed birders out to see the Ancient Murrelet, November 1994.